Thursday, August 30, 2007

#19 Web 2.0 awards

The Broth the beauty of web 2.0 to enable sharing and collaboration to create art with others from around the world.
Wonderfully idealistic as your creation can be altered by others.
Amusing to look for awhile, but found I yearned for something more accomplished to view.
Once again I can see uses of this in an academic setting or public library environment, but less so for our environment.

Pipes ( by Yahoo) allows mashups of various online data ie code your RSS feeds into an interactive map. I was disheartened by the account creation to try at this time.

I smile that my favourite web 2.0 aspect LibraryThing won an award. Delicious irony is that I wouldn't ordinarily care to share my lists and the application democratically allows you this choice.

Relishing the Writer's Festival and amused to see some burgeoning web 2.0 marketing on publisher, bookseller and websites. From reader reviews, dialogues on blogs to 'Second Life' type individual websites and existences for characters.

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