Monday, August 20, 2007

#13 Tagging

Marian, yes, the full stops!
d.elic.iou.s;; del.ic.i.o.u.s
Disdain for this contrivance, plus the white/grey/blue/black checkerboard logo that causes my eyes to cross.
Perhaps in part the reason I let my .delicious. account lay fallow very soon after creating it last year.
Another account later...

See the value of accessing my bookmarked websites on another pc (restrictions on desk pcs!).
I'm curious to see if the collaborative deliciou.s account established for the new SLV online chat service becomes a vital tool &/or second nature to operators or another link that lays dusty on the desktop.

Curious to see bookmark lists for random searches as a mild comparison with a search engine. 'Dry stone walling' has 9 sites listed and a knowledgeable selection. 'Australian politics' gives New Matilda website as the first hit, saved by less than 1/2 the souls that Crikey has. What is the criteria for how the bookmarks are compiled?
Finding myself easily lost in the labyrinth of the web, but there is virtue in searching through the bookmarked sites of others, who may have already done a fine filtering task for you.

Note: The URL for the Otter tutorial seems to have disappeared. I refused to look at the second due to the fullstops.

1 comment:

Marian Paroo said...

If you're mad keen on the Otter group thing, go here—but it may be overkill at this stage.